Centerless Grinder CNC Machines

We are Authorised Dealer, Supplier, Service Provider of Centerless Grinder CNC Machines, CNC Centreless Grinding Machines, Centerless Grinders, and our set up is situated in Pune, Maharashtra, India.

Salient Features
  •  High Grade Casting to ensure long life. 
  •  Designed for Both Through feed and In feed Grinding.
  •  Ultra Precision Bearings are used for supporting both heads.
  •  Grinding Wheel duly balanced.
  •  Lubrication Pump Provide for adequate lubrication of slides.
  •  High accuracy and excellent surface finish on work piece.

Model H50 NC100 NC150 NC200 NC250
Grinding Capacity ( in mm ) 1 to 40 1 to 75 2 to 100 2 to 160 2 to 160
Grinding Wheel Size ( in mm ) 350 x 50x 127mm 350 x 100x 127 400x150x203.2 500x200x305 500 x 250x 305
Grinding Wheel Speed : R.P.M 1800/2000 1800/2000 1600 to 1800 1200 1200
Regulating Wheel Size ( in mm ) 225 x 50 x 76.2 225 x 100 x 76.2mm 250x150x110 300x200x127 305 x 250 x 127
Regulating Wheel Speed:

0-200 RPM

18x45x100 RPM 18x45x100 RPM Variable with AC Drive Variable with ac drive
Grinding Wheel Head Motor 2 HP 7.5 HP 10 HP 15 HP 20 HP
(Optional) 3 HP 10 HP - - -
Regulating Wheel Head Motor 1HP 1HP 1HP 2 HP. 2 HP
Coolant Pump Motor 0.10 HP 0.10 HP 0.10 HP 0.18 HP 0.18 HP
Power Supply V/ac 415/Hz 50 Phase 3 V/ac 415/Hz 50 Phase 3 V/ac 415 V/ac 415 V/ac 415

Servo motor and drive for movement of slides.
 Paper 8 and Filter with magnetic coolent seprator
VFD for the variable speed of regulating wheel.
 Only magnetic coolant seprator
HMI 7" for display and programming
 Wheel balance stand with arbour
Micro hand wheel for precision movement.
 Spare wheel flanges
 Foot Switch
Hydraulic dressing system for both wheels
 Anti vibration pads
High precision ground ball screw for slide movement
Standard work rest blade.
Grinding wheel A60L5 fitted on flange after duly balanced.
Regulating wheel fitted on flange
Splash guards
Dressing Holders with diamond dresser for both the wheels
Tool kit with instruction manual.  
Rotatable panel with complete electrical.